For being nearly invisible as vice president during the Clinton years, Al Gore has made quite a career for himself as an environmental megaphone. Kind of winning an Academy Award for his "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary (the Oscar actually went to director Davis Guggenheim, Gore gave an acceptance speech) and a Nobel Prize for his global warming efforts (along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Gore has managed to add a new jewel to his environmental trophy case - a Grammy. Gore completed his hat trick during last weekend's 2009 Grammy Awards, winning best spoken-word album for the print version of his "An Inconvenient Truth" - thanks to its release as an audio book. Former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, have been in on the spoken-word Grammy in each of the last six years, as well.

ATG has just discovered that a plethora of "formers" have been slated to write opinion columns for the The Washington Times. According to the paper, it has launched a new rotating column on its opinion page that will provide essays from conservative voices that include Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. Now, along with walking the dog, taking out the trash, and mowing the lawn, these three formers will gain a bit more glory in meeting weekly deadlines to turn in their articles - without the paper's editor repeatedly calling and exclaiming, "Mitt, where's your '7 Ways Wastewater Reclamation Can Save Your County Gallons of Cash' article?" Good luck, gentlemen.
Nothing too exciting in this post, but we'll continue to keep a look out for more gems.
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